Announcing the Federal Decree-Law No. (11) of 2024 on the reduction of climate change effects

The UAE government issued Federal Decree-Law No. (11) of 2024 on the Reduction of Climate Change Effects, on 28 August 2024   and is effective from 30 May 2025.

Key objectives of the Law:

  1. Emission management: Ensure effective emissions management across the country, contributing to global climate mitigation efforts.
  2. Ecosystem resilience: Strengthen the ability of ecosystems and communities to adapt to climate-related challenges, safeguarding both natural and economic resources.
  3. Innovation and research: Encourage innovation and support research and development initiatives. This includes leveraging modern technologies and enhancing the private sector's role in sustainability efforts.
  4. Data sharing and cooperation: Promote transparency by sharing emissions data nationally and supporting international collaboration on climate change knowledge.
  5. Strategic alignment: Align national and local plans with global standards, enhancing the State’s position in competitiveness indicators while supporting sustainable development and economic diversification.
Key provisions:
  • Mitigation measures: Sources of emissions are mandated to reduce their outputs through improved energy efficiency, clean energy use, protection of natural carbon sinks, carbon capture technologies, and more.
  • National pathway to climate neutrality: The Cabinet will set annual emission reduction targets for all key sectors, aligning these with economic priorities and best international practices. These targets will be reviewed and updated regularly.
  • Measurement, reporting, and verification: Organisations will be required to measure and report emissions, maintaining a five-year record for transparency and compliance checks.
  • Climate change adaptation plans: Developing sector-specific adaptation plans will address climate risks, with mandates for assessing impacts and implementing effective responses.
  • Incentives for innovation: The Ministry will incentivize the adoption of new technologies, including carbon offsetting and emissions trading, to encourage sustainable practices.
  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – the Ministry will ensure compliance with pledges made in the NDC and related long-term emission strategy, national adaptation plan and loss and damage report.
  • Penalties: Fines ranging from AED 50,000 to AED 2 million shall be imposed on subject entities who violate the law; repeated violations within two years will attract double fines.

Implementation and applicability

The law applies to public and private entities whose operations or activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere including those in free zones.

The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment shall issue implementation resolutions to assist organisations in implementing the Law.

For more details on the Law, read the full text here.

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