Cyber Threat Intelligence report

2021 has been a particularly interesting year as it comes off the heels of the partially recovered COVID 19 world, and with it, partial social distancing measures. Still, the world is more connected than ever as workforce remains remote to some degree, and unfortunately, that means cybersecurity has become increasingly relevant to virtually everyone. Moreover, firms, governments, and individuals alike tend to view information security retroactively, where issues are often analysed after they occur, and this presents high risk while giving little value in preventing them from recurring.


Our Threat Intelligence report presents an analysis of confirmed cybersecurity incidents we determined either damaged, threatened, or negatively impacted organisational data assets, directly or indirectly via broader networks and systems. 

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Shivendra Jha, Partner - Head of Advisory Service and International Liaison Partner (ILP)SHIVENDRA JHA 
Partner - Head of Advisory Service and International Liaison Partner (ILP)


Associate Director - Technology Advisory Services

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